Mrs Dolymaucher’s Daughters


Sadie Timmons lives in a quiet upper class village outside London. Nothing happens in the village of Winton and Sadie likes it that way. Sadie lives with her middle class parents. Murray Timmons her father was, until recently, the priest of the local church. However, due to the good fortune of Sadie’s Mother Maude, he now enjoys an early retirement.

Sadie is a solicitor and works for a prestigious London law firm; she loves her job and her life. She is completely unaware of her dowdy clothes and unattractive appearance and therefore doesn’t miss the attention she has never had. Sadie must enhance her image if she is to advance in her career. However Sadie is opposed to the changes that she must make. She believes her career is comfortably on fast track and she is free to focus on the things she loves most, mainly her friendship with Cassandra and Dexter Morley and the object of her desire, her neighbour, Crispin Huntington the third. In fact, Sadie is so obsessed with Crispin she wastes many hours each night watching him through her binoculars. Until one day, Crispin’s little brother spies Sadie watching. Delighted by his observation young Clifford Huntington sees an immediate opportunity to earn some fast cash. While Sadie is trying to remove herself from the situation she has created with Clifford she fails to notice that she, too, is being watched.

Mrs. Dolymaucher stands six-foot-tall; with a square jaw and a solid body, greasy grey hair and a thick German accent. Mrs. Dolymaucher lives in the basement flat of the Huntington’s mansion. She has lived there since arriving in England soon after her daughter and husband were viciously murdered. Each year on the anniversary of her daughter’s death – a girl disappears.

It takes several years for Detective Fox Hunter to see the pattern begin to unfold. Sadly, many years of questioning and searching never reveal the girls’ bodies or any clue as to what may have happened to them.

Mrs. Dolymaucher is the creator of collectible proclaim dolls, they are made in her cousin’s toy factory in Germany. Each doll is perfectly crafted from the mould Mrs. Dolymaucher sends to the toy factory. Every year another doll is launched complete with designer clothes, and birth certificate. The birthday of each doll is the same as Mrs. Dolymaucher’s deceased daughter, Gretchen.

Like Mrs. Dolymaucher, Sadie Timmons is a creature of habit. She too, does the same things at the same time each day. Once Sadie, transforms into a beauty Mrs. Dolymaucher begins to notice of her. Suddenly she is watching Sadie. Sadie continues watching Crispin.

Will Sadie be Mrs. Dolymaucher’s last and final victim? Will Sadie’s face match that of the final doll…What happens when the watcher is being watched?